About Us
EduLink is your one stop solution for overseas education.
EduLink represents the universities externally, offering off campus recruitment services and handling admissions process. The team works closely with the admissions department within the University to ensure that applications are managed in a quick and effective way.
Company Mission
We strive to empower, encourage and equip our students with tools that will allow them to achieve all their dreams
EduLink is your one stop solution for overseas education. We prioritize guiding students through the applications process to get enrolled in top Universities.

Why Choose Us
The dedication to fulfill our customer’s needs and our rigorous training that allows us to surpass the industry benchmarks.
Education in Malaysia is cost effective and cheap, ensuring that students get access to quality education at affordable rates. –
The cost of an undergraduate degree in Malaysia is 70% cheaper when compared to a comparable degree in UK/Australia
The Visa process for Malaysia is easy and hassle-free.
The process is as simple as the students submitting the relevant documents and waiting for approval of Visa.
EduLink has a success rate of 99% for Visas